Route of Brazil in Celebration!

Rota Brasil em Festa!

AIn the eyes of the world, Brazil is the country of Carnaval. And no wonder: the most popular party in the country attracts millions of visitors and drives the economy in several states. There are street bands and parades in the sambodromes of Rio and São Paulo, trios elétricos in Salvador, the giant dolls of Olinda and lots of frevo with maracatu in Recife. Some BLTA associates o er special programs featuring parades, including private boxes to watch the festivities and enjoy in comfort. But the partying here goes way beyond Carnaval. The reworks that ring in the new year at the spectacular New Year’s Eve at Copacabana highlight the message: Brazilians know how to party like no one else. In June and July, the largest festas juninas light up the northeastern towns of Caruaru and Campina Grande. Other religious celebrations attract crowds to witness the beauty of such traditions as the Círio de Nazaré, in Belém, and the Feast of Iemanjá, in Salvador, Trancoso and various beaches around Brazil. In the North, folklore comes to life in the boi-bumbá festivals and the dispute between Caprichoso and Garantido takes place in one of the most beautiful spectacles in the country, attracting visitors from all over to Parintins, in Amazonas. In the Southeast, the diversity of themes in the calendar is revealed in such events as São Paulo Fashion Week, the Biennial of International Art and the LGBTQIA+ Parade. For lovers of the arts, there are festivals of opera in Manaus, classical music in Trancoso and dance in Joinville, a lm festival in Tiradentes and a literary festival in Paraty. With memorable music festivals like Rock in Rio and The Town rounding out the calendar, it’s impossible not to have fun around here!

Rota Brasil em Festa!
Rota Brasil em Festa!
Rota Brasil em Festa!
Rota Brasil em Festa!


Be surprised by Brazil’s diversity!