BLTA is a member of the Business Council for Tourism and Hospitality (Cetur - Conselho Empresarial de Turismo e Hospitalidade) of the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC - Confederação Nacional do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo). It serves as the representative organization for matters relating to the development of tourism in Brazil, especially focusing on the luxury travel segment and promoting Brazil to the international market.
The CNC-Sesc-Senac System works to create better conditions for the development of tourism, recognized as a crucial industry that can boost trade and promote Brazil’s growth through job creation and increased revenue.
To encourage sector-wide dialogue, research, and the promotion of tourism, CNC relies on the Business Council for Tourism and Hospitality (Cetur), which consists of representative organizations from the tourism supply chain, along with federations and prominent figures in the tourism and hospitality industry. Its role is to connect the Confederation with government, business community, academia, and researchers to encourage debate on the travel industry’s characteristics and trends and research on problems and opportunities related to the sector, find solutions and build consensus, including through the improvement of laws and regulations.